Income Disclosure

Effective Date: 7/31/2023

At Motherly Marketing, we are committed to transparency and providing accurate information to our customers. This Income Disclosure Statement (IDS) aims to give you a realistic understanding of the potential earnings you may achieve by enrolling in our digital marketing online course ("Course").

1. Earning Potential:

1.1. Individual Results May Vary: The success of our Course participants can vary significantly based on individual effort, skills, experience, and commitment. While some students may achieve exceptional results, others may not achieve the same level of success.

1.2. No Guaranteed Earnings: Enrollment in the Course does not guarantee any specific income level, financial gains, or job placements. The results you achieve are dependent on your personal dedication and actions.

2. Past Performance:

2.1. Testimonials and Case Studies: We may feature testimonials and case studies from successful Course participants on our website or marketing materials. These are real accounts from individuals who experienced positive results, but they do not guarantee similar outcomes for all students.

2.2. Anecdotal Examples: Any income or earnings examples shared are not typical and are meant to be used as illustrations only. They represent extraordinary cases, and your individual results may differ.

3. Risk Factors:

3.1. Investment of Time and Effort: The Course requires a significant investment of time, effort, and dedication to learn and apply the principles taught. Your ability to generate income through digital marketing will depend on your willingness to implement the strategies and techniques effectively.

3.2. External Market Factors: Your earnings can be influenced by external market conditions, changes in the digital marketing landscape, and economic factors beyond our control.

4. Disclosures:

4.1. Independent Contractors: Some individuals who share testimonials or success stories may participate in our affiliate program or may be independent contractors. They may receive compensation for promoting our Course.

4.2. Material Connection: If we provide any compensation, discounts, or benefits to Course participants for testimonials or endorsements, we will disclose such material connections.

5. Forward-Looking Statements:

5.1. Forward-Looking Statements: We may make forward-looking statements regarding potential earnings or business performance. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.

6. Consult Professional Advisors:

6.1. Financial or Legal Advice: We do not provide financial, legal, or tax advice. It is essential to consult with appropriate professional advisors before making any financial decisions or investments.

7. Commitment to Compliance:

7.1. Ethical Business Practices: We are committed to ethical business practices and complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding income claims, testimonials, and marketing materials.

7.2. Updates to the IDS: We reserve the right to update this Income Disclosure Statement from time to time. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised IDS on our website.

By enrolling in our digital marketing online course, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Income Disclosure Statement. Your success in the Course depends on your own efforts and dedication to apply the knowledge gained.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Income Disclosure Statement, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing Motherly Marketing for your digital marketing education.